#Vaggie is a stamina monster
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 1 year ago
Jazzercise!: Hazbin Hotel
Buckle up, Buttercups! This one's long.
Charlie: (wearing a pair of pink leggings, rainbow sneakers, white exercise t-shirt, and a red sweatband around her head) Alright, Everyone! Today, we're going to be doing some team bonding exercises throoooough- Da-Dada-Daaaaaah! -Exercise!!!
Hazbins: (all groan in dismay and grumble and clamor in annoyance)
Angel: (wearing powder pink leg warmers and neon green leotard that looks like it came out of an 80s) Is there any way we can sit this out? Some of us are hungover.
Vaggie: (wearing a black and purple sports bra and black spandex shorts that cut off halfway down her thighs, hair tied up in a ponytail) Still? We celebrated the hotel's grand reopening last week.
Husker: (wearing your stereotypical gym teacher windbreaker pants but no shirt or jacket) The empty liquor wall at the bar will verify.
Lucifer: (magically appears wearing a pair of bright red, men's booty workout shorts from the 70s, white Dad sneakers with tall red socks, and a white and red sleeveless shirt tucked into the shorts) Well, I'm all for a little sweat and hard work! Whatcha got for us, kiddo?!
Charlie: Dad! (Averts her eyes) What are you wearing?!
Lucifer: What?! I wore this in my college days!
Angel: Oooooh! While I'm not complaining there, Short King, I don't think Charlie appreciates seeing the "King's Apple" lodged in your shorts.
Lucifer: Huh? (Looks down at the natural, indiscreet bulge in his shorts) ........But these shorts cup the boys so nicely.
Charlie: (about to puke like when she watched Angel's best porno during show and tell)
Vaggie: Babe, let's just focus on getting the workout done. Alright?
Charlie: OoOookay.... Um... Do you mind taking over? I actually have no idea what I'm doing.
Vaggie: (sparkle in her eye) Sure thing, babe. (Turns to the rest and squares her shoulders) Alright, we are going to start with two easy laps around the track followed by partner bear crawls for two hundred meters, thirty burpies, and ending with twenty inverted push-ups! Any questions?
Hazbins: (awkwardly glance at each other)
Niffty: (wearing a 50s style one piece workout suit) YAY!!! PAIN!!!
Vaggie: THEN MOVE!!!
-One Hour Later-
Hazbins: (moaning and groaning in agony as they lay defeated on the track)
Angel: (rolled out like a spider that got run over) Charlie..... Toots.....
Charlie: (gasping for breath as she falls to her knees and holds herself up on shaking arms) Yeah.... Angel?
Angel: (Looks over to Vaggie who is on her third iteration of bear crawls and using an equally dead Lucifer for weight) If this psychopathic bitch of a stamina monster brings this kind of energy to the bedroom, (wheezes and coughs) then I'll pray for your loins the next time you guys have sex.
Charlie: (panting as she rolls onto her back, too tired to even correct the inappropriate statement) Thank you, Angel. (Tilts her head up and leans on her elbows to watch Vaggie)
Vaggie: (finishes the bear crawls and drops Lucifer off with a jump) Thanks for being my partner, Sir. (Breaks into her burpees)
Lucifer: (wheezes through little spindles of smoke) No problem, Vaggie. Anytime. (To Charlie) What do you feed that girl?
Charlie: (watching Vaggie intently with a fresh blush not caused by exertion)
Angel: Charlie?
Charlie: (watches the muscles in Vaggie's thighs and shoulders work as she speeds through her burpees)
Lucifer: Chaaaaarlie? (Snaps fingers) Little Duckie, are you alright?
Charlie: (hearts beat in her eyes and Careless Whispers plays in the background somewhere as she watches Vaggie's leg, shoulder, and back muscles contract and flex under the duress)
Vaggie: (finishes her burpees and goes into a handstand, briefly getting her balance before starting her handstand push-ups)
Charlie: (watches a bead of sweat follow the contours of Vaggie's shoulder muscles and scars and drool starts dribbling down her chin) Angel.... I need that prayer now....
Angel: Huh? (Follows Charlie'sline of sight and groans in pain as he brings his hands up in prayer) Our Unholy Father of Debauchery, please see that this horny bitch's snatch makes it safely out of the upcoming pounding she is about to receive. May her holes be elastic and well lubricated to avoid tearing, her legs be flexible as they reach behind her head, her orgasms shake her very foundation, and the aftercare be filled with all the cutsey cuddling she can handle. Amen.
Charlie: (continues watching) I wanna climb her.
Lucifer: (awkwardly) Uhhhhh.... Vaggie's not a tree, sweetie.
Angel: (gasps and clutches his imaginary pearls) Holy Fuck, Babe!!! Cool your jets! (Pulls out his phone and starts recording) I gotta use some of these lines at the next recording!
Charlie: When she smacks my *BEEEEP*, I want to *CENSORED* *BEEEP BEEP* and *BEEEEP-EP-EP-BEEEEEEEP* to taste *CENSORED*.
Lucifer: (faints after hearing his daughter saying such filth)
Angel: (stops recording) ......Fucking-A, Charlie, that's even making me feel dirty.....
Thank you, @sevi-fuk, for giving me the idea of Charlie going fiendish about Vaggie and her muscles.
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jacksdinonuggets · 10 months ago
Oooooh what about a baby Vaggie wanting to paint everything, the paper, the floor, the walls, her hair, Carmilla. And Carmilla learning how hard it is to get a hyper active Vaggie in a bath.
Here you go!
Its a minific too.
“Sweetie, please,” Carmilla was losing her patience. Vaggie, the walls, and the furniture were covered in paint. She need Vaggie to take a bath before she managed to paint anything else. Carmilla was rich, she would be able to afford new furniture and get somebody to fix the walls. She couldn’t afford losing vaggie due to poisoning from paint if she were to ever digest it. 
“No! Paint more!” Vaggie said as she ran around, ruining the walls with her painted hands. She had paint in her hair, face, her onesie, and arms.
“Come on, you need a bath,” Carmilla went to pick vaggie up but she ran away, giggling and flapping her hands. Clearly, it was a mistake leaving out a can of Monster on the counter where the girl could reach. 
Carmilla walked over to vaggie where she once again slipped away and ran to the other side of the room. Then Carmilla picked up her pace. Vaggie continued to giggle like it was the funniest thing in the world. Soon, she was chasing her around the warehouse.
“Eee!” Vaggie squealed and giggled as Carmilla was catching up to her. This girl had a lot of stamina and speed from being an ex-exorcist. 
“Gotcha!” Carmilla scooped her up into her arms. Vaggie let out a cute little laugh and let herself be carried into the bathroom. The overlord changed her out of everything and wiped her down with baby wipes before helping her into the lukewarm bath.
Vaggie, still being that hyperactive child, splashed water everywhere, still wanting to play. By the time she actually got out of the bath, Carmilla was drenched in bath water. She quickly got changed herself before helping Vaggie get changed. She put her down for a nap while she worked to get the paint out of her walls.
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xx-4d4msf4m1ly-xx · 9 months ago
Here's my profile!😝🤘
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Since it's polite to properly introduce myself, this is me. I am the current Lieutenant after my bestie, Lute, took Adam's place as Commander. Here are some additional basics to know about me that aren't explained in my profile: How Adam gave me this name: I've been given an infamous nickname during my Exterminations and that is because I tend to swiftly kill several sinners all at once in the sky, creating a gorenado. My former commander was impressed and therefore, gave me the name "Tempyst." He thought spelling with a y increases the coolness factor. Ha! What a dork (affectionate). Nicknames: Shadow (bronies -_-), Gorenado (by sinners), Lute (by accident sometimes), Exorcistnado, & Sparkledog Ninja (shhhh...) Gender: Demi-female (she/they) Age: 7,710 (physically appears late 20s-early 30s) *when I made this blog Height: 5'10.5 Physique: Tall & athletic Skills: - Long-range accuracy - Prolly the fastest flyer of my army (tho few rival my speed) - Spying/Stealth - Various flight tricks - Close-range martial arts (trying to master it rn) - Deception - Charisma - Leadership experience - Immense strength - High stamina (pain tolerance hovers around 9/10) - Combat/Political strategizing - Relatively street-smart (*Scourge here ISN'T!!!) - Sewing/Cosplay - High af heat tolerance (unusual for Exorcists...) Likes: - Early 2000s scene aesthetic - Sparkledogs - Cosplays - Adam's music (WHO DOESN'T!?) - Goth/Punk/Metal/Rock/Grunge/Screamo music (will listen to most genres tho) - Lute's competence & leadership (well...yes & no...) - Clubs/Raves - Bright colors & gloomy aesthetics (especially when mixed) - Individuals who are intelligent & reasonable - Anyone who has earned Adam & Lute's respect - Sinners who have a morally decent side - Sparring & training sessions (What? I can't help myself lol) - Surge - MONSTER ENERGY DRINK RAWR XD - Colorful spiked/studded/bracelet accessories - Dark humor Dislikes: - Vaggie's betrayal (am I...feeling sorry for her...huh???) - Lute's outbursts - Adam's sloppiness - Reckless & incompetent behavior - Sinners with absolutely NO virtue in them whatsoever - CARMILLA (honestly Idfk anymore) - My morality/existential crisis - Bloodbat (I wish she was NEVER born) - Anything hindering my tasks or motives - Making foolish mistakes - Hell - The sheer stupidity of some Exorcists... - Anyone who dares to hurt my loved ones Personality (the basics): - Stoic - Level-headed - Overly competent - Follows a firm moral code - Patient - Sadistic AF - Extremely cruel to most sinners - Intimidating - 2-faced - Cold & cunning - Calculating - Witty - Snarky - Capable of a softer side - Noble - Ambitious - More outgoing, empathetic, reassuring, goofy, & loose (when disguised to infiltrate hell) - Flirtatious - Goth/scene Text Color
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indragonsaur · 4 years ago
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BREAKING NEWS: There's a Giant Fucking black dragon Terrorizing the Fuckin City.
Character Information
True Name: Unkown
Nicknames: Black wyvern, Glitching wyvern, Mr. rathalos (By Charlie,) Big fuckin dragon (By Angel Dust,) True Demon (By Surtur)
Birthplace: Unkown
Date of Death: Error Code
Cause of Death: Shot in the Neck
Likes: Flying, Traveling, eating Flesh, Checking up with Charlie
Dislikes: Getting wet, Virus, exterminators
Sexuality: Unkown
Biological Information
Species: Wyvern Demon
Gender: Male
Age: Unkown to be 469 years old
Abilities: Roars loudly, Dash, Glitching fireballs, GlitchBite, Death stare, Poisonous glitching tail
Friends: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust Cherri Bomb Alastor, Husk, Niffty Surtur, Qulin, Lucifer, Cronus, Johann, Yellow Tyant (Best Friend,) Shale, Athena
Enemies: Sir Pentious, Valentino The overlords (Expects Alastor)
Status: Alive
Voice Actor: Sadie (Mortality From Boozoo Ghost)
Black Rathalos is a Flying Wyvern and a Subspecies of Rathalos in the nice circles of hell. He often participates in turf wars alongside Cherri Bomb so he can help her out of tough situations, or obtain the spoils of war, specifically the guts of fallen sinners. He pays visits to Pentagram City to check up on Charlie and her friends like he's some sort of father-figure.
Black Rathalos is a Subspecies of Rathalos, and thus, it shares almost all of the same characteristics. However, its shell that is usually fiery Glitch is now an Dark color, hence the Black title. Its wing webbing is Grey, and its tail has one single dark grey on the end. It has higher stamina, higher health and higher attack power, and is considerably more aggressive.
One side of his face is horribly right Eye to do a Ability to give a Death stare to scared off the sinners of it.
Black Rathalos are highly territorial monsters, and as such, are aggressive towards intruders Who enter his place or criticize the princess of hell. They will chase away or attempt to kill any monster which may pose a threat to their land. While hunting, Black Rathalos will stalk prey from the air before swooping in for the kill. Once they have successfully brought down their prey, they will carry it away to eat in private, safe from scavengers or other large monsters which might attempt to steal the kill.
-Black Rathalos design is based off the creepypasta of the wiki idea
-His design is resemble Rathalos from Monsters hunter
-Rathalos right eye seem to be terrified to do a death stare like sir pentious
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